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Is Green Tea Good for PCOS

Did you know that green tea is made from the same leaves as regular tea? However, when the leaves used undergo less processing and oxidation they retain their original colour unlike black tea. This lack of oxidation not only gives the green tea its vibrant colour but also makes them a rich source of antioxidants […]

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Posted on April 18, 2023 ·

Did you know that green tea is made from the same leaves as regular tea? However, when the leaves used undergo less processing and oxidation they retain their original colour unlike black tea. This lack of oxidation not only gives the green tea its vibrant colour but also makes them a rich source of antioxidants and polyphenols. Now comes the most important question, is green tea good for PCOS? According to most experts and nutritionists the answer is yes, green tea can be a good dietary addition for PCOS. The major effect of PCOS is excessive weight gain and green tea improves the process of fat burning and even lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which is also a risk in PCOS. All this, thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties green tea brings with it. 

What Are the Benefits?

Reduces Inflammation

Amongst many other symptoms of PCOS few of the skin-related symptoms are oiliness and acne breakouts. Research has shown that green tea contains multiple plant-based compounds with antioxidant, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea also helps fix oily skin and acne by promoting hydration. It also contains antimicrobial properties that lower the lipid levels in your skin, which helps control oiliness.

May Reduce Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a major cause of PCOS in most women. This symptom may further lead to an increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and studies have shown that it may help reduce insulin resistance in women with PCOS as it helps reduce body fat.

Helps Manage Weight

Losing weight is one of the major hurdles faced by women with PCOS,despite the efforts put into lifestyle changes. Women with PCOS generally gain weight in the abdominal region due to the increased levels of androgens or male hormones.

Green tea is known to boost your body’s metabolism within a short period of time. Catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), boost metabolism and burn calories when combined with the caffeine present in green tea. However, just drinking green tea won’t do any magic, you need to combine it with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise for sustained weight loss.

Improves Cholesterol Levels

Studies suggest that women with PCOS tend to have higher quantities of bad cholesterol and lower quantities of good cholesterol, which can lead to chronic heart conditions and stroke. Green tea contains antioxidants such as catechins, which may help lower the bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of chronic conditions.

Does Green Tea Have Caffeine?

The concentration of caffeine in green tea ranges from 14 mg -61 mg with a single serve. Compare this to a cup of typical coffee that has 80-100 mg caffeine. The decaffeinated teas have less than 12 mg of caffeine in one serving of tea. Herbal teas do not contain caffeine.

    Is Caffeine Bad for PCOS?

    Some research studies suggest that caffeine may increase blood sugar levels abruptly and disturb the insulin sensitivity levels in women who are diagnosed with type II diabetes cases. That is why there is disagreement about the role of coffee in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in the long run. But on the other hand caffeine helps weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate of the body. That is why it is an integral ingredient of many weight loss supplements.

    It is a definite no no on coffee if you are pregnant because higher consumption of coffee is linked to an increased risk of miscarriage. There is an increased risk of stillbirth, premature delivery, and low-birth-weight babies in women who habitually drink coffee. Women with PCOS  who consume regular high amounts of coffee may find it even more difficult to become pregnant. More than 200mg of caffeine per day is associated with spontaneous abortions in the early stages of pregnancy. Caffeine consumption may disrupt sleep patterns, cause restlessness, and induce anxiety and burden the condition of PCOS.

    Diet Tips To Help Balance Your Hormones

    • Protein: Eating protein stimulates your body to produce insulin and unprocessed, high-carb foods can improve insulin sensitivity. Instead of trying a low-carb diet, focus on getting enough healthy protein. Plant-based protein sources, such as nuts, legumes, and whole grains, are best
    • Anti-inflammatory food: PCOS is described by one study as low-level chronic inflammation. Adding anti-inflammatory foods to your diet can help ease your symptoms.
    • Almonds, cashews, spinach, and bananas are PCOS-friendly foods rich in magnesium.
    • A diet high in fibre can help improve your digestion. Lentils, lima beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, pears, and avocados are all rich in fibre.
    • Caffeine consumption may be linked to changes in oestrogen levels and hormone behaviour. Try boosting your energy with a decaf alternative, such as an herbal tea. Kombucha’s probiotic properties may also be beneficial.
    • The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. Turmeric may be promising for decreasing insulin resistance and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Zinc is a trace element that can boost fertility and your immune system. Excessive or unwanted hair growth and alopecia may be improved with zinc supplements.

    Learn More With Veera

    Following a PCOS diet can be overwhelming, especially since there is so much information and misinformation on the internet about what to eat and not to eat. Speak to Veera’s PCOS experts who can help develop a customized diet for you that wills suit your symptoms and lifestyle. 

    BY Team Veera

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