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How to deal with the aftermath of over-exfoliated skin

We’ve all been there—excited by the promise of smooth, glowing skin, you might go a little too far with that exfoliator. The next thing you know, your skin feels tight, irritated, and even a bit angry. Over-exfoliation is a common skincare mistake, but it can leave your skin feeling stripped, raw, and more sensitive than […]

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Posted on September 5, 2024 ·

We’ve all been there—excited by the promise of smooth, glowing skin, you might go a little too far with that exfoliator. The next thing you know, your skin feels tight, irritated, and even a bit angry. Over-exfoliation is a common skincare mistake, but it can leave your skin feeling stripped, raw, and more sensitive than ever.

If you’ve over-exfoliated, don’t worry. Your skin can heal, but it needs some TLC. Here’s how to deal with the aftermath and restore your skin’s health.

  1. Stop Exfoliating Immediately


stop written on hand

The first step to healing over-exfoliated skin is to stop exfoliating. No more scrubs, acids, or peels for a while. Your skin needs time to rebuild its natural barrier, which has been compromised by too much exfoliation. Give it a break for at least a week, or even longer if needed.

  1. Switch to a Gentle Cleanser

woman washing her face

After over-exfoliating, your skin is in a fragile state. A harsh cleanser will only make things worse. Opt for a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser that won’t strip your skin further. Look for ingredients like aloe vera, oatmeal, or chamomile that can help soothe irritation.

  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

woman sitting and drinking juice

Over-exfoliated skin is often dry, dehydrated, and in desperate need of moisture. Use a hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid to draw moisture into the skin. Follow up with a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer to lock in hydration and help your skin repair its moisture barrier.

  1. Avoid Active Ingredients

While your skin heals, avoid any products with active ingredients like **retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, or vitamin C**. These can irritate already-sensitive skin and delay the healing process. Stick to basic, soothing products until your skin is back to normal.

  1. Use a Barrier Repair Cream

niacinamide serum

To speed up recovery, invest in a barrier repair cream. These creams are designed to help restore the skin’s natural barrier, which has been compromised by over-exfoliation. Look for ingredients like ceramides, niacinamide, and fatty acids, which are excellent for barrier repair.

  1. Soothe with Cooling Products

aloe vera gel

If your skin feels hot, inflamed, or red, try using **cooling products** to calm the irritation. **Aloe vera gel** or a cold, damp washcloth applied to the skin can help soothe redness and reduce inflammation.

  1. Stay Away from the Sun

sun hat, sunglass and sunscreen

Over-exfoliated skin is incredibly sensitive to UV rays, making it more prone to sun damage. If you must be outside, **wear sunscreen** with at least **SPF 30**, and reapply throughout the day. Better yet, try to limit sun exposure as much as possible while your skin heals.

  1. Consider a Gentle Mask

A soothing sheet mask or a hydrating, non-clay mask can be a quick way to boost hydration and comfort over-exfoliated skin. Look for masks with calming ingredients like centella asiatica, calendula, or oatmeal to restore balance.

  1. Give Your Skin Time

Healing takes time, and so does rebuilding your skin’s barrier. It can take a few days to a few weeks for your skin to fully recover from over-exfoliation. Be patient, and continue to nourish your skin with gentle, hydrating products. Avoid the temptation to jump back into an intense skincare routine too soon.

  1. Reintroduce Exfoliation Gradually

Once your skin is back to normal, you can reintroduce exfoliation—but go slowly. Start with a gentler exfoliant, such as lactic acid or enzyme-based products, and limit it to once or twice a week. Always listen to your skin and adjust based on its needs.

Learn More With Veera

Over-exfoliated skin can feel like a disaster, but with the right care, your skin will heal. The key is to focus on hydration, soothing, and protecting your skin while it recovers. By being mindful of your skincare routine and avoiding harsh treatments, you can restore balance and keep your skin healthy and glowing.

BY Team Veera

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